European Patent Office launches new Espacenet, improving access to world’s largest free collection of patent documents.

The international trade publication bioplastics MAGAZINE is proud to announce the finalists for the 2019 Global Bioplastics Award. Known as the "Bioplastics Oskar", the award will be presented this year for the 14th time in succession.

Omdat PFAS vaak gebruikt wordt om textiel te behandelen, start de Europese Commissie begin 2020 een omvattende studie op naar het gebruik van alle PFAS in de textielsector.

International Standards and Patents in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) offers information to users on the characteristics and use of patents and standards for the deployment of renewable energy technologies, facilitating dialogue between different stakeholders on these topics.

A new study published today by the European Patent Office (EPO) finds that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) rely on European patents to protect their high-potential inventions and that two thirds of these inventions are commercially exploited.

Industries that make intensive use of intellectual property rights (IPRs) such as patents, trademarks, industrial designs and copyright generate 45% of GDP (EUR 6.6 trillion) in the EU annually and account for 63 million jobs (29% of all jobs). A further 21 million people are employed in sectors that supply these industries with goods and services.

The LIFE Recysite project consortium published a report on the project's objectives and results

Met het oog op innovatie, stimuleert POM West-Vlaanderen via Fabrieken voor de Toekomst samenwerking tussen bedrijven. Met deze oproep “Quick Wins FvT” worden een aantal kortlopende en praktijkgerichte innovatieve samenwerkingsprojecten ondersteund.

You can help determine who will receive the highly coveted Award trophy by nominating an inventor. Simply fill in the nomination form and your inventor could end up on the stage of our prestigious Award ceremony.

Windgo has been granted US patent number 10,376,423 for an invention that will provide Internet of Things (IoT) sensory and response communications to devices worn on human and animal bodies. Windgo, based in the US, has researched, developed, and produced variety of smart products and other intelligent product subsystems in the sensory and digital markets.