CREPIM is one of the major European Laboratories for development and the approval of materials covered by fire regulations. CREPIM (i) develops, (ii)tests and (iii) certifies the fire performances of materials and assemblies for all concerned areas featuring the mass transportation sectors (railways, aircrafts and boats), in the building, electrical, and textile sectors. This activity is carried out in an Environmentally-Friendly way taking into account the end-of-life product.

In een sterk veranderende Belgische en internationale economische context bestaat de missie van de FOD Economie erin de voorwaarden te scheppen voor een competitieve, duurzame en evenwichtige werking van de goederen- en dienstenmarkt in België. In dat opzicht wil de FOD Economie de goederen- en dienstenmarkt grondig kennen en goed ondersteunen om ze beter te stimuleren.

Catalisti, the cluster for Chemistry and Plastics, will primarily serve companies in Flanders by building partnerships between individual companies as well as with research institutions, sector associations and governments. By being a central and neutral partner, companies can concentrate on their core business and use the cluster to easily stay connected with all appropriate authorities.

Ideally located close to Brussels and the main cities of Western Europe, such as London, Paris, Berlin and Rotterdam, Wallonia (a French-speaking region in the south of Belgium) lies at the heart of Europe. With sophisticated air, rail and waterway transport facilities, Wallonia is directly linked with all the European decision makers and power centres.


The TFI was founded in 1964 and has been a competent partner for research, testing and certification in the field of floor and wall systems as well as in the area of other products for interior design since then.

Sirris is the collective centre for and by the technological industry. Sirris offers Belgian companies three key assets to help them remain innovative: years of experience and comprehensive expertise in a wide range of industries; high-tech testing infrastructure spread across the country; and an extensive network of partners. This way Sirris helps large and smaller players in Belgian industry make the right technological choices and achieve sustainable economic growth.

The main areas of teaching and research of our department are in the fields of processing and recycling of solid waste. Our raw material laboratory and our technical lab are equipped with various aggregates in the areas of comminution, classification, sorting and analysis. It is possible to process separate or mixed waste streams in individual aggregates and in process chains, which can be constructed by a combination of different aggregates. This makes us one of Europe's leading professorships in applied research in the waste management sector.

Interreg EMR finances cross-border projects with funds drawn from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). From the regions and from own sources of project partners funds can also be made available. By supporting cross-border cooperation, the programme Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine contributes to the quality of life of the Euregio’s four million or so inhabitants.

GoToS3 est un portefeuille de 16 projets du programme de coopération transfrontalière Interreg V France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen | GoToS3 is een projectenportefeuille die uit 16 projecten bestaat van het grensoverschrijdende samenwerkingsprogramma Interreg V France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen.

Direction générale opérationnelle Économie, Emploi et Recherche: les aides financières constituent un des principaux leviers mis en oeuvre par la Région wallonne pour atteindre ses objectifs en matière de recherche, de développement et d'innovation technologique.