Circular economy

R&D manager Textile Functionalisation & Surface Modification

UP_PLASTICS is perfectly in line with the challenges identified in the European Commission's GREEN DEAL, particularly in terms of raw materials supply.

Via tien concrete deelexperimenten gaat dit living lab op zoek naar de randvoorwaarden om beter om te gaan met plastics. De partners stellen zich de vragen hoe circulair te ontwerpen met plastics en hoe nieuwe waardeketens op te zetten.

The aim of the project is to improve the performance of water electrolysis to produce green hydrogen under the best possible technical and economic conditions.

The SYMBA project aims at creating a new and innovative Industrial Symbiosis (IS) method to be replicated within EU according to the local/regional bio-based industrial ecosystem.

The primary objective of the GRACE project is to equip the Large Format Print & Sign industry with resources that promote circularity in their products.

PESCO-UP aims to enhance the textile recycling value chain and reduce reliance on virgin materials.

The ReCoTex project aims to boost the recycling rate of coloured synthetic textile waste, particularly waste that is currently not recycled into high-value fiber materials due to their colour and instead used as fuel.

Development of an innovative process to detect and separate trim from post-consumer textiles

This white paper will not only provide textile companies with information on textile recycling processes, but also on facilitating technologies for sorting and disintegration of textile products as well as virtual platforms that connect stakeholders and inform consumers.