The biannual essenscia Innovation Award is the most prestigious price for industrial innovation in Belgium. With this competition essenscia aims to promote the many innovations in the Belgian industry and to encourage companies to invest even more in innovative and sustainable products and applications.

Guy Buyle presents Centexbel at TCBL Textile & Clothing Business Labs, that is building a multi-faceted business ecosystem of sector enterprises, innovation labs, service providers, and business advisors, all working together to transform the Textiles and Clothing industry. The common objective is to build alternative paths to over-production and diminishing value while returning 5% of production capacity and reducing environmental footprint by 20%, within 2025.

Vision 2020 is an Open Innovation network for research organisations & businesses seeking funding from the European Union's €80 billion 'Horizon 2020' programme

Centexbel extends its activities as NBN sector operator to child protective and biobased products. Call for experts from the industry.

The act of 30 July 2018 concerning the protection of trade secrets entered into force on 24 August 2018 offering a better protection to Belgian companies.

Today, we are happy to issue the first DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX® report to production site of DesleeClama in Poland, a subsidiary of Bekaert Deslee of Waregem.

ECHA has added eight new SVHCs to the Candidate List following the SVHC identification process with the involvement of the Member State Committee (MSC).

Op 27 juni 2018 schrijft de Standaard onder de headline “De Peuk, De Grootste Plasticplaag op het Strand”: “Jaar na jaar is de sigarettenpeuk wereldwijd de nummer één van de meest gevonden voorwerpen op een strand. En dat is vervelend want de filter van een sigaret bevat plasticdeeltjes en er is nog weinig geweten over de impact van de giftige stoffen in sigaretten. Desondanks is roken op Vlaamse stranden niet verboden.” Een verbod is één mogelijke maatregel om vervuiling in te dijken, maar Centexbel-VKC denkt nét iets verder en diende daarom een projectvoorstel in bij “Vlaanderen Circulair”

Arnaud Joset

Arnaud Joset replaces Philippe Lemaire as the man behind the Patent-Cell in our division in Grâce-Hollogne.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 — Plastic Recyclers Europe and CENTEXBEL-VKC collaborated on the elaboration characterisation of recycled PE-LD pellets, which provides a framework for the quality assessment of the pellets. It aims at enhancing demand for recycled plastics by providing standardized methods to evaluate quality based on EU standards.