Next step: CEN/TS 17553

Centexbel is closely following up the further developments in face mask standardisation, including the preparation of the CEN/TS 17553 document, that will eventually replace the CEN document CWA 17553:2020 - Community face coverings - Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use. For now, community face coverings will be tested and certified according to CWA 17553:2020 and NBN/DTD S 65-001:2020!

By participating in the development of face mask and face coverings guidance documents, Centexbel is able to assist manufacturers in evaluating their face covering products, by means of materials testing and product certification.

A technical specification (CEN/TS), which can be published faster than a European Standard (EN), serves as normative document in domains where the current state of the art is evolving rapidly.

To support companies in their efforts to produce performing and safe community masks, Centexbel has set up a performance certificate “COVID-19 - Approved by Centexbel”.

The certification is based on the conditions and criteria specified in paragraphs 8.4 and 8.5 of the Belgian Official Reference document: NBN/DTD S 65-001:2020 - Community- en Artisanale maskers - Gids van de minimale vereisten, confectie, onderhoud en gebruik (Masques "community" et masques artisanaux - Guide d'exigences minimales, de confection, d'entretien et d'usage) as well as on the CEN document CWA 17553:2020 - Community face coverings - Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use.

The authorisation to label a product with “COVID-19 - Approved by Centexbel” is limited to a maximum of 1 (one) year.

It goes without saying, that community masks are to be considered as an additional safety measurement and will never replace the basic guidelines of social distancing and hand hygiene!

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