As part of Circular Wallonia and the Walloon Recovery Plan, CENTEXBEL is coordinating a project whose main objective is to analyse the streams of textiles at the end of their life (EoL) in the Walloon Region. This study is also part of an evolving European context, with an EU Commission strategy that will impose a number of measures on the textile sector aimed at improving the sustainability and circularity of textiles. 

The following EoL textile waste streams will be analysed: production off-cuts, floor coverings, professional clothing, unsold and returned goods, and technical textiles.


This work cannot be carried out without close collaboration with the companies that supply the Walloon market in B2B or B2C mode, that use the textiles concerned, that recover textiles at the end of their life cycle, etc. These companies may be recycling sites or textile manufacturers. These may include production sites, importers, marketers, users, collection/sorting centres, waste managers, etc. The relevant authorities and organisations will also be contacted.


These data are neither systematically listed nor centralised. To obtain it, there is no other option than to go through the players in the various value chains concerned: MAYBE YOU! 

If your activities are part of these value chains, if you have data, even approximate data, on the textiles streams at the end of their life, contact us and we will send you a questionnaire that can be completed in a few minutes.