
Test method to determine the number of tufts and/or loops per unit Iength and per unit area of a carpet. The test method is applicable to carpets the pile of which consists of uniformly spaced tufts and/or loops.

The number of complete tufts and/or loops and spaces is counted over a distance L which is at least 100 mm and contains at least 41 complete tufts and/or loops and spaces.

The number of tufts and/er loops and spaces is counted in directions parallel to and at right angles to the selvedge, and the number per unit area calculated..

Testing procedure

tuft-loop counting

41 tufts and/or loops and spaces are counted on one specimen and the distance occupied by them is measured. If the distance is less than 100 mm then the the number of complete tufts and/or loops and spaces extending over at least 100 mm is counted. 

Where two or more pile yarns lie side by side but are not twisted together, they are counted as one tuft. If the carpet is not of uniform construction, the form of construction is noted.

The measurement is repeated on each specimen in directions parallel to and at right angles to the selvedge.


Send your samples to:

Centexbel - Carpet lab
Technologiepark 70
9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde
+32 9 220 41 51