In the supercritical CO2 phase, the CO2 exhibits both the properties of a gas (high diffusivity and low viscosity) and the properties of a liquid (high density), making scCO2 a very interesting extraction medium.

On November 27th, 110 private and public organisations have committed to boost the circular economy in Wallonia (the French speaking region of Belgium). This commitment was taken in line with the Green Deal "Circular Purchases" at the initiative of the Vice-President and Minister of Economy of the Walloon Region, the SPW, The Shift, SRIW, Owalfin, UCM, and UWE.

MarinaTex is a home compostable material designed as an alternative to single-use plastic films. The material is comprised of waste material from the fishing industry and sustainable algae.

Because PFASs are often used in textile finishing, the European Commission launches a comprehensive study on the use of all types of PFAS in the textile sector.

Op 27 juni 2018 schrijft de Standaard onder de headline “De Peuk, De Grootste Plasticplaag op het Strand”: “Jaar na jaar is de sigarettenpeuk wereldwijd de nummer één van de meest gevonden voorwerpen op een strand. En dat is vervelend want de filter van een sigaret bevat plasticdeeltjes en er is nog weinig geweten over de impact van de giftige stoffen in sigaretten. Desondanks is roken op Vlaamse stranden niet verboden.” Een verbod is één mogelijke maatregel om vervuiling in te dijken, maar Centexbel-VKC denkt nét iets verder en diende daarom een projectvoorstel in bij “Vlaanderen Circulair”

Stijn Steuperaert presents Centexbel's expertise in the detection and characterisation of hazardous substances at the International Nonwovens Symposium 2018 - 23 - 24 May 2018 , Rome - Italy

As of 1 April 2018, all textiles made of organic cotton or with organic cotton parts are tested for genetically modified organisms (GMO) within the scope of product certification as per STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.

After the usual transition period of three months, the new regulations for all OEKO-TEX® services, published at the beginning of this year became in effect on April 1st, 2018.

Inauguration of Recticel's recycling pilot line