The AlchemiSSts project will demonstrate the applicability of the Safe by Design (SSbD) framework to the development and implementation of safer and more sustainable alternatives to surfactants, plasticisers and flame retardants, which are present in everyday products and pose a high risk to human health and the environment and are therefore considered as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

To this end, the project proposes up to seven case studies involving the relevant actors in the value chain, which will serve as a proof of concept to test the SSbD framework within its different 5 steps. The general objective of the project will be achieved by addressing specific objectives such as the development of the alternative substances themselves, the compilation of robust and reliable evidence for a proof of concept of the SSbD framework, the development of a certification methodology that promotes the implementation of the SSbD concept in the industrial network. 

Another key pillar of the AlchemiSSts project is the implementation of integrated approaches and tools to support safety, sustainability and social assessment based on interoperable FAIR data and models. In addition, robust data on sustainability indicators and information to assess the impact of the project's results on a series of zero pollution targets will be provided for each case. 

For all these relevant aspects, AlchemiSSts will be supported by stakeholders to ensure social acceptance and economic viability of the envisaged innovative advanced materials.





Centexbel, Sioen Industries, Devan (BE)

Entelos, QSar Lab, Greendecision, Yordas, Institute of occupational medicine, International Iberian nanotechnology laboratory, Angaz, CSI Center for social Innovation, Laurentia technologies, Bergische Universiteit Wuppertal, Pinturas Blatem, Tekniker, NTUA (University of Athens), Cleancell, LGAI Technological center, Rescoll, K-flex, Nasika, Avanzare, Carl Bechem, Cauchos Ruiz-Alejos, IPN, VUTCH.


ALCHEMISSTS receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101178074.