Les activités R&D de Centexbel-VKC soutiennent les entreprises textiles, plasturgiques et connexes, dans le but de renforcer la capacité innovatrice des PME's et d'assister l'industrie dans la transition vers un avenir durable. En notre qualité de centre de recherche, créé par et au bénéfice de l'industrie, nous initions et participons aux projets de recherche pré-compétitive, financés par les autorités et des projets de recherche privée et orientée vers le marché.

Afin de garantir une impartialité totale et d'éviter tout conflit d'intérêts, nous exluons explicitement toutes les activités au niveau du développement de produits dans ces domaines qui relèvent au champ d'application de la certification CE pour laquelle nous sommes accrédité.

Le projet de recherche MACOBIO fait partie de la grappe des projets FEDER 2014-2020 - Low Carbon Footprint Materials - sur la valorisation de ressources naturelles pour la fabrication de nouveaux matériaux d’origine biosourcée. MACOBIO porte en particulier sur la conception des Matériaux Composites 100% biosourcés, tels que les composites à base de matrices biosourcées innovantes thermoplastiques et thermodurcissables, renforcés par des fibres naturelles.

Patecs is a CORNET-IWT project aimed at promoting adhesion in textile composite structures.

Smart wearable sport and health solutions

ITEA Project 13034

Because of the growing concern about the availability and sustainability of raw materials for various manufacturing processes, research & Development of raw materials and energy sources based on renewable resources have become a priority in Europe.

Fouling is the accumulation of unwanted material on surfaces. The fouling material can consist of either living organisms (biofouling) or a non-living substance (inorganic or organic).

Sports or physical exercises are known to have a positive effect on chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and osteoarthritis. In the prevention and rehabilitation of these chronic diseases it is important that the patient regularly and correctly performs specific exercises, as prescribed by a therapist. Therefore, it is important that the therapist knows whether the patient performs the exercises at home (adherence), and in which way he performs them (quality).

I-TEX richt zich hoofdzakelijk tot B2B textielbedrijven in Vlaanderen die de ambitie hebben om via e-commerce hun business model te transformeren. De transformatie gaat van een model waar producten worden verkocht via tussenschakels naar een business model waar de producten niet enkel via distributeurs, maar ook via e-commerce aan de eindklant worden verkocht.

The aim of the project “Blends 4 Innovation” is to broaden the research on intimate polymer blends in textiles and to demonstrate the value of polymer blends in the textile and composite markets. To this end, the use of polymer blends will be diversified to a larger range of polymer combinations and composition ratios.

InnoQuality will support interior textiles companies by means of an <strong>Inno-Guide</strong>. The aim of the Inno-Guide is to optimise the innovation flow within the interior textiles companies.

Flemish interior textiles companies find it hard to survive in a very competitive market. These companies must innovate more rapidly and effectively.
Although the companies do not lack ideas, the problem is to select the right ideas that have to be developed into products.

The SET project has delivered its results in 12 languages. The SET scheme is based on a new software for companies to monitor their energy consumption, learn best practices, and benchmark their own energy performance with their competitors or similar companies.